Hello, Hanover Hockey Community!
Can you believe we are at the half-way point of the 2024-2025 hockey season? It's flown by! Thank you for choosing HHA this season. We know that you have choices for where your children play hockey and we're grateful to have you along for the ride.
The HHA Board has been hard at work prepping for next season and are happy to be announcing several items related to the 2025-2026 hockey season! While we know it's early, we've learned that you are a group who likes to plan and we want you to have all the information possible. Please see below for the upcoming milestones related to next season. In addition, we have summarized the information in the attached document. We are sharing this information for transparency and accountability.
The timeline established below is meant to combine the coaching solicitation and selection process with the timeline for tryouts and final roster publication for next season. On the timeline established below, we will:
Obtain mid-season feedback on coaches, provide feedback to the coaching staffs, and review feedback as a Board;
Solicit Head Coaches for the 2025-2026 Hockey Season;
Announce Head Coach Selections;
Hold Tryouts for the 2025-2026 Season;
Post Final Rosters for the 2025-2026 Season.
We have moved up the coaching solicitation and selection timeline to publish those long before tryouts are held. We are committed to hosting tryouts and posting finalized rosters on the published dates. Please review below for dates and more information about each step in the process.
As we did last year, all families will be given the opportunity to provide mid-season feedback about their head coach and the coaching staff. This feedback is intended to be constructive in nature and provide opportunities for improvement. Families with multiple children in the program can fill out a form for each set of coaches.
Complete the evaluation here: https://forms.gle/hVY5CsdfC3QzoJj9A
As we have done the last three seasons, we will solicit interest from the broad HHA community for Head Coaches for next season. Incumbent coaches are reviewed by the Board. While incumbents typically are given right-of-first refusal for the following season, the HHA Board encourages people interested in coaching to apply. If there are multiple coaches interested in the same position, there is a selection process (approved by the Board and used in previous years) to make a recommendation to the Board. All Head Coach selections are reviewed and voted upon by the Board prior to publication.
Submit your interest for a Coaching position for the 2025-2026 season here:
Head Coaching announcements will be made for all 10U, 12U, and 14U for both co-ed and girls teams.
Tryouts for all 10U, 12U, 14U co-ed and girls teams will be held in mid-March 2025. Specific dates will be once ice at Campion Arena is reserved. Team rosters will be shared as soon as possible following tryouts and families will be asked to commit to HHA so final rosters can be published.
Final rosters will be published via email and on the HHA website as soon as possible but no later than April 4, 2025. While we always anticipate some changes before the start of the season, there should be reasonable stability in the teams posted and those that get on the ice in the fall.
The goal in sharing these plans and schedule is to be transparent with the community and to incorporate feedback received in previous years. We hope this transparent plan and early communication helps you and your family continue to choose Hanover Hockey for the 2025-2026 season. Local hockey played with friends can create some of the best childhood memories – we’re happy to partner with you to make those experiences happen!
Thank you for all your support of HHA, your player(s), your coaches, parent managers, and of the sport. Happy New Year!
HHA Board of Directors